Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Themes in Raymond Carvers Literature Essay - 743 Words

Themes in Raymond Carvers Literature In Short Cuts, by Raymond Carver, characters experience trials and problems in their lives, whether extreme such as in A Small, Good Thing and Lemonade or nominal such as in Vitamins. They all seem to depict these struggles as uphill battles which the characters cannot and mostly do not overcome. The characters throughout Carvers Short Cuts struggle through their lives in private desperation, often to ultimately realize that they are bound to the truth of who they really are, which is shown in the story Neighbors. In Neighbors, Bill and Arlene Miller are a couple with menial jobs who give credence to the saying the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. They are†¦show more content†¦ Well, I wish it was us (14), Jim says as he waves goodbye to his neighbors on their way to another vacation. The Miller are asked to house sit for their neighbors. The each go into the apartment separately, trying to uncover some aspect of the Stones lives, keeping it a secret from the other what they are doing. It is ultimately realized at the end that they are both doing more than feeding the cat when they go into the apartment. The Millers searching through their neighbors apartment is symbolic of their search for meaning in their own lives. Because they are not satisfied with the way they live, they project the Stones life onto their own, to the extent of pretending to live in their apartment, if only for one moment. Bills fantasy of being like the Stones may be shown by his actions of taking a bottle of Harriets pills (14), and drinking and eating their food, with no qualms of invade his neighbors privacy (16). On page 15, Bill had the feeling that he left something as he was closing the door to the Stones apartment. It is likely that he felt he was leaving behind the false persona of who and how he wanted to live like. After more frequent trips into the Stones apartment, Bill begins to wear their clothing, which is also symbolic of trying to put onShow MoreRelatedThe Lives and Works of Raymond Carver1692 Words   |  7 Pagesstyle of writing, Raymond Carver has left a lasting and outstanding impact on the history of short stories. Even though Raymond Carver left a long impact, his life was of the opposite. Like Raymond Carver’s famous award winning stories, his life was short. Raymond Carver was born on May 25th, 1938 in Clatskanie, Oregon, a mill town on the Columbia River. Carver grew up in Yakima, Washington. Carver had three members to his small family, his mother, his father, and brother. Carver’s only had one siblingRead MoreAlcohol and Marijuana in Catherdral by Raymond Carver Essay963 Words   |  4 Pagesimposed laws: people feel the need to consume these substances and encage in behaviors out of the ordinary. 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