Saturday, June 13, 2020

Grants proposal Essay - 275 Words

Grants proposal (Essay Sample) Content: Grant ProposalNameInstitutionGrant proposalIn writing a grant proposal for a probably a non-profit organization, a list of factors falls in the category of direct costs for which the financiers are expected to pay for. Personnel are one of the main sources of expenses for many organizations but the expenditure is not limited to that. Other expenses that the financiers need to see are: fringe benefits: these are expenses apart from personnel that the employer or the organization must pay in order to survive in a particular environment. For example, regardless of whether the organization is humanitarian or not, taxes and other levies must be paid either directly or indirectly.Travel; in most organizations, traveling is important to meet the objectives of the program and therefore it can be included in the OTPS expenses. The cost of purchasing important equipment is also another source of expense which would better be communicated to the financier.Working with Internatio nal Organization for migration (IOM), most of these expenses are directly involved. Travel for moving refugees from camps and host countries, equipment such as generators to provide power for the people as well as personnel and payment of taxes in the host countries both for the personnel and for refugees. Sustainability for the organization is very important information for the financiers of it. One way of ensuring that an organization is sustainable is establishing business sources or engaging in money generating endeavors. This obviously excludes non-profit...

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